Carol Slattery has been business manager for the Campus School at Boston College for almost as long as it’s been on the Ď㽶Đă campus, but after 40 years of dedicated service, she’ll be retiring at the end of the academic year.

The Campus School, housed in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, provides specialized educational and therapeutic services for children ages three to 21 with multiple disabilities. 

The many photos of Campus School students adorning Slattery’s office reflect her love for the school and what she will miss in her retirement.

“It is the Campus School students, Ď㽶Đă students, therapists, and staff here who have encouraged me to stay and work with everyone towards the school’s mission,” said Slattery of her long tenure. “I look forward to coming to work every day and I am going to miss everyone here, I really am.”

Slattery originally began working in Ď㽶Đă’s Special Education Department but was encouraged by her colleague John Eichorn, co-founder of the Campus School—which opened in 1970—to apply for the job of managing financial operations for the school and the Ď㽶Đă Supported Employment program, which provides employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities.

In her role, Slattery has to navigate University and state guidelines and work with some 30 cities and towns that contract with Ď㽶Đă to provide services for their students. But colleagues say her impact went far beyond these responsibilities.  

“Carol worked tirelessly for the programs, staff, students, clients, and families” said former Campus School director Donald Ricciato, now a part-time Lynch School faculty member. “Her commitment was unwavering. She is the epitome of someone who works outside of her job description. She did whatever was needed for the good of the programs—that is her hallmark.”

Campus School co-founder Philip DiMattia echoed Ricciato’s sentiments: “Carol was more than the fiscal administrator. She found time to engage staff and students in a caring and meaningful way. She knew every student by name and all staff as well.”

"Carol is an institution and she is known whereever she travels on the campus," added Campus School Director Barbara Cataldo. "I am honored to have had this year to work with her, learn from her, and laugh with her. She has made it so easy to learn the needs of the Campus School because of her sense of humor and compassion."

Slattery said she looks forward to spending time with her family and doing some travelling, but plans to keep attending the Campus School semi-formal dance she has organized every year during her career. 

She also will continue to encourage members of the University community, or anyone else, to visit and get to know the Campus School.  “And if anyone was ever thinking about where to make a donation, the Campus School would be a good choice.”

—Christine Balquist | University Communications | April 2019