Harvey Egan, S.J.

Harvey D. Egan, S.J. (Photo by Lee Pellegrini)

Professor Emeritus of Theology Harvey D. Egan, S.J., has not let retirement limit his passion for teaching. A leading expert on Christian mysticism, Fr. Egan has produced a multimedia lecture series called “The Christian Mystical Tradition.” Fr. Egan’s 12-part lecture series explores the mystical life by focusing on several noteworthy religious figures, including Teresa of Ávila, Catherine of Siena, Francis de Sales, and Teresa of Calcutta, among others.

Fr. Egan has also produced lecture series on two people, a saint and a scholar, who have had significant influence on him. “St. Ignatius the Mystic” is a 12-part audio series on the founder of the Society of Jesus, whom Fr. Egan calls “the mystic whom I know best and who has most influenced my life.”

The other lecture series is titled “Karl Rahner: Theological Giant of the Twentieth Century.” Rahner was a renowned Jesuit priest, philosopher, theologian, and prolific writer. Fr. Egan, who received his doctorate under the direction of Rahner, draws on his personal experience and extensive knowledge of Rahner’s writings to guide listeners through Rahner’s role as a teacher of the sacraments, prayer, and Christian life, among other topics.

"These six series came about because several people who had read my books and articles suggested that I try a new communication medium," said Fr. Egan, who has taught at Boston College for 40 years and is the author of several books, includingSoundings in the Christian Mystical Tradition,Karl Rahner: Mystic of Everyday Life,An Anthology of Christian Mysticism, andChristian Mysticism: The Future of a Tradition. "The CEO of Now You Know Media called and asked me to do a series on mysticism," he said; after that series sold well, the one on Rahner followed, and led to others including “77 Great Catholic Homilies”; “Eschatology: The Theology of Ultimate Hope,” and “Exploring Catholic Theology.”

All of Fr. Egan's lecture series are available – in video and/or audio format -- through Now You Know Media, which is dedicated to using technology to deliver insights from the brightest minds to lifelong learners wherever they may be. They also are available on through a partnership with

—Kathleen Sullivan, University Communications | February 2019