Fulton Hall 254C
Email: karpovsk@bc.edu
ISYS1021 Digital Technologies:Strategy and Use
IS Strategy; Digital Technologies; IT-Business Alignment; CIO Influence; and Business Analytics.
Professor Karpovsky earned her B.A. in Economics and M.A. in Computer Science from Boston University. She has her Ph.D. in Business from Bentley University. Her research focuses on strategic issues in the context of Information Systems and her current interests are in data visualization, business analytics, and blockchain..
"." In Robert Galliers (ed.) . Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London.
“” (With Robert D. Galliers.) Journal of Information Technology, 30 (2), 136-160. February, 2015.
“.” (With Robert D. Galliers and Mikko Hallanoro.) In A. Tucker (Ed.), , 3 (2). Chapman and Hall. May, 2014.
“Learning Towards Ambidexterity - Cases On Information Systems Strategizing: A Meta-Ethnography.” (With Robert D. Galliers.) International Conference on Organization Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities. Oslo, Norway. 2014.
“The Power and Influence of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in IS Strategizing.” (With Robert D. Galliers.) 34th International Conference on Information Systems. Milan, Italy.