Fulton Hall 430C
Telephone: 617-552-0455
Email: jean.bartunek.1@bc.edu
Academic-Practitioner Relationships; and Organizational Change.
Dr. Jean Bartunek's primary interests center around academic-practitioner relationships and organizational change. She is interested in multiple dimensions of links between theory, research, and practice, including collaborative research, how knowledge is shared across boundaries, and relationships that transcend research. In addition, she studies multiple dimensions of the processes of organizational change, especially relationships between change agents and recipients, and interactions within and across these groups.
“” (With Sven Kunisch, David Denyer, Markus Menz and Laura Cardinal.) Organizational Research Methods, 26 (1), 3–45. January, 2023.
“” (With Isabelle Yi Ren.) Academy of Management Learning & Education, 21(3), 503–516. September, 2022.
“.” (With Julia Balogun.) Strategic Organization, 20 (4), 832–845. November, 2022.
(With Susan Mohrman.) Organization Development Review, 54 (1), 43–50. April, 2022.
“ (With Sven Kunisch and Blagoy Blagoev.) Journal of Management Studies, 58 (5), 1411–1415. July, 2021.
“” (With Loizos Heracleous.) Human Relations, 74 (2), 208-233. February, 2020.