Fulton Hall 354B
Telephone: 617-552-0464
Email: graves@bc.edu
Professor Sam Graves has done research in the fields of quantitative optimization models for R&D investment, and social responsibility in public companies. His current research interest is in the field of behavioral issues in managerial decision making.
“” (With Jeffrey Ringuest.) Managerial and Decision Economics, 33 (7-8), 453-462. May, 2012.
“” (With Jeffrey Ringuest.) Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 37 (2), 346-357. April, 2009.
(With Andres Medaglia and Jeffrey Ringuest.) European Journal of Operations Research, 179 (3), 869-894. June, 2007.
“” (With Jeffrey Ringuest and Randy Case.) European Journal of Operational Research, 154 (1), 157-169. April, 2004.
“” (With Sandra Waddock and Charles Bodewell.) Academy of Management Executive, 16 (2), 132-148. May, 2002.
“.” (With Sandra Waddock.) Business and Society Review, 105 (4), 393-418. December, 2002.
“.” (With David Murphy and Jeffrey Ringuest.) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 38 (1), 79-91. January, 2000.
“ (With Jeffrey Ringuest and Randy Case.) IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 47 (4), 478-484. November, 2004.
“.” (With Jeffrey Ringuest.) European Journal of Operational Research, 126 (3), 651-661.
“” (With David Murphy and Jeffrey Ringuest.) International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 16 (4), 362-370. June, 1999.
“” (With Sandra Waddock.) Strategic Management Journal, 18 (4), 303-319. April, 1999. Winner of 1997 Moskowitz Prize.