By developing new models of student support, reshaping achievement standards, enhancing Catholic education, and advancing human rights, our research centers and initiatives are at the forefront of educational change.
Strengthening Catholic education through research-based educational innovations, professional development, advocacy, and outreach.
A multidisciplinary center nurturing leaders who improve global human rights through service and scholarship.
The premier center for global higher education promotes the value of international perspectives by enhancing research, publications, and sense of community.
Focused on studying and addressing the out-of-school factors that impact student success.
CSTEEP strengthens school assessment practice and policy with research, engagement, and advocacy.
Featuring an annual summit to discuss common challenges, share best practices, and connect the leaders of Catholic institutions.
Championing race and culture as assets and addressing the societal conflicts associated with them.
A cross-disciplinary effort between LSEHD and the School of Social Work expanding research, training, and interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of early childhood development.
A global leader in educationalÌýassessments: Trends in Mathematics and Science Study and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study.
A collaborative effort led by researchers, practitioners, and advocates who care deeply about equity, access to opportunity, and the inherent human rights of working people and their families.
For more than 50 years, the Campus School at Boston College has educated students ages 3 to 22 with extensive support needs, including complex health care needs. Our private, publicly funded, special education day school is situated in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development on the Boston College campus. Our dedicated educators, therapists, and nurses utilize a transdisciplinary approach to realize the potential in each one of our students.
From prison education to equitable instruction, our initiatives make a difference in the lives of our studentsÌýand the communities we serve.
The Catholic concept of formation is foundational to our heritage. We are dedicated to integrating intellectual excellence, research, and service to society.
Conducting rigorous research in Catholic schools to better understand the impact and effectiveness on students and educators.
This initiative creates transformative learning opportunities within and beyond prison walls. It also convenes dialogues and catalyzes applied research.
Formative education engages the whole person, guiding young people toward purposeful lives and challenging them to work toward fulfillment and more ideal selves and societies.
Scholars, researchers, and practitioners revitalizing traditions to augment our moral vocabulary for understanding clinical work within the context of a higher ethical calling.
Our Office of Urban Outreach Initiatives (UOI) oversees several key programs dedicated to preparing tomorrow’s change agents. UOI efforts include the College Bound program and the Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars program.