Campion 314
Telephone: 617-552-4079
Email: liangbe@bc.edu
Applied Psychology Practicum: Pathways to Purposeful Work and Life
Mentoring and Cultivating Purpose in Adolescence and Young Adulthood; Creating schools and workplaces that foster purpose and belonging.
Dr. Belle Liang is a professor of counseling, developmental, and educational psychology in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College. She is a licensed clinical psychologist, and an expert in mentoring and youth purpose. She is an American Psychological Association Fellow Division 17, recipient of a Distinguished Alumni Award from Indiana University-Bloomington, The Many Faces of Counseling Psychology Award for outstanding contributions in psychology, and numerous honors for teaching and mentoring.
She founded the Purpose Lab, and has published nearly dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters to advance the science and practice of mentoring and cultivating purpose in schools and workplaces. She co-authored, "How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way in School, Career, & Beyond" (St. Martin's Press, 2022).
Liang, B., & Klein, T. (2022).ÌýHow to navigate life: The new science of finding your way in school, career, & beyond.ÌýNew York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
Lincoln, B., Patel, K. N., Binder, M.*, Lund, T. J., & Liang, B. (2024). Transforming service into civic purpose: A qualitative study of adolescent civic engagement and purpose development.ÌýAdolescents, 4(1), 90–106.Ìý
Lund, T. J., Fongemy, G., Lincoln, B., Snow, H., Hakovirta, A. L. S.*, & Liang, B. (2024). Predictors of purpose among young adults in college: An exploratory analysis of the importance of relational supports and experiential learning.ÌýYouth.
Kang, A. S., Hoskova, B., Liu, C. Y., Viddayakorn, A., Binder, M.*, Liang, B., & Lai, B. (2023). Students of color and COVID-19: Experiences, coping strategies, and supports.ÌýJournal of Educational Research & Practice, 13(1), 345–364.Ìý
Patel, K. N., Lincoln, B., Gomez, L. A. M., Lopez, A. C., Ting, T.*, Lund, T. J., & Liang, B. (2023). MentorOn: A peer mentoring program developed for COVID-19 times.ÌýJournal of Community Psychology, 51(8), 3152–3170.Ìý
Lincoln, B.*, White, A. E., Lund, T. J., Liang, B., Blustein, D. L., & Barnett, G. M. (2023). Moving from passion to purpose: A STEM-focused after-school program’s influence on purpose outcomes.ÌýJournal of Adolescent Research.Ìý
Konowitz, L., Lund, T. J., Chia, S. W. C., Reed, M., Wood, W., Liang, B., Blustein, D., & Barnett, M. (2023). The powerful role of mothers in adolescent purpose development.ÌýJournal of Psychological Research, 5(1).Ìý
Zhou, M., Rauen, J., Sepulveda, J.*, Lund, T. J., Liang, B., & Mousseau, A. D. (2022). Purpose in the face of adversity: The roles of meaning-making and adversity among purposeful college students.ÌýJournal of Character Education, 19(2), 1–22.
Sepulveda, J., Zhou, M., Amorosi, A., Rauen, J., Boyer, M.*, Liang, B., Lund, T. J., & Mousseau, A. D. (2022). The R and R of purpose in college students: Refining and redefining purpose over time.ÌýJournal of Adolescent Research.Ìý
Lai, B. S., Hoskova, B., Riobueno-Naylor, A., Colgan, C. A., Aubé, S. S., & Liang, B. (2022). College students and COVID-19: Mental health and purpose formation.ÌýJournal of Emergency Management, 20(9), 65–77.
Lund, T. J., Liang, B., Lincoln, B., White, A. E., Mousseau, A. D., Gomez, L., & Akins, E. (2022). Purpose in life among first-generation college students: Friends make a difference.ÌýYouth, 2(1), 12–22.
Konowitz, L., Lund, T. J., Lincoln, B., Reed, M.*, Liang, B., Barnett, M., & Blustein, D. (2022). Changemakers: Influences on engagement in STEM curricula among underrepresented youth.ÌýEuropean Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, 5(2), 103–113.
Liang, B., Lund, T., Mousseau, A., & Spencer, R. (2016). The 4 P’s of purpose among college-bound students: People, propensity, passion, and prosocial benefits.ÌýJournal of Positive Psychology, 12(3), 281–294.
Liang, B., & Bronk, K. (2024–2027).ÌýCultivating Purpose & Belonging in Schools.ÌýFunded by the Walton Family Foundation ($2,225,000).
Liang, B. (2024–2026).ÌýTrue North at Messina Purpose Initiative.ÌýFunded by the Davis Education Foundation ($160,000).
Barnett, M., Liang, B., & Blustein, D. (2017–2023).ÌýChange Makers: Urban Youth Food Justice Ambassadors.ÌýFunded by the National Science Foundation ($1,998,290).
Barnett, M., Liang, B., & Blustein, D. (2018–2023).ÌýSeeding the Future of STEM Researchers Through Emerging Agricultural Technologies.ÌýFunded by the National Science Foundation ($1,197,756).
Liang, B. (2023–2024).ÌýCultivating Purpose & Belonging in K-12 and College.ÌýFunded by the Walton Family Foundation ($110,000).
Liang, B. (2023–2025).ÌýPurpose & Belonging Curriculum in K-12 RedGen Schools.ÌýFunded by RedGen ($64,000).
Liang, B. (2022–2023).ÌýTrue North 2.0.ÌýFunded by the Melkus Foundation ($64,000).
Liang, B. (2021–2022).ÌýWorking Wise & Living Whys: Purpose from School to the Workplace.ÌýFunded by Boston College Research Across Schools and Departments Grant ($50,000).
Liang, B. (2019–2020).ÌýFormative Education: The Role of Purpose and Critical Consciousness in College Students.ÌýFunded by Boston College Research on Formative Education Grant ($15,000).
Liang, B. (2019–2021).ÌýTrue North.ÌýFunded by the Melkus Foundation ($200,000).