Telephone: 617-552-1976
Email: bebell@bc.edu
Interpretation and Evaluation of Research
For over 20 years, Dr. Damian Bebell has helped teachers, school leadership, and policymakers use research and reflection to support teaching, learning, and technology initiatives. Applying new technologies to improve data collection, analyses, and reporting tools, Damian has designed and led numerous research and evaluation studies across the global, K12 education landscape. In 2010, Damian co-edited and produced the world’s first collection of peer-reviewed research from 1:1 student laptop environments in special issue of the Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment and published the first quantitative research study examining 1-1 iPads in schools for the Journal of Information Technology Education in 2015. Damian is a frequent keynote speaker and author of numerous articles, book chapters, as well as The School Mission Statement (Routledge Press), showcasing how local vision can illuminate (or limit) school reform effort and measuring success.