Teaching Writing
Empowering Educators to Improve Writing
Teaching Writing is designed for K-12 teachers, paraprofessionals, instructional coaches, and other school-based educators. Building on the research of Professor Emerita Maria Brisk, the workshop delves into the Systemic Functional Linguistics theory-based approach to writing instruction. By incorporating the Teaching and Learning Cycle, we scaffold instruction to foster flexibility in language usage and empower students to become proficient writers.
The ability to write well is essential to a student’s success
Yet, it's a challenge facing our schools. According to national writing assessment data, only 24% of students in grades 8 and 10 performed at a proficiency level. This data makes it clear that developing high quality writing instruction is more relevant than ever.
At a Glance
Who should attend?
K-12 teachers, dual-language educators, paraprofessionals, instructional coaches
What is the format?
Online with live synchronous sessions and weekly self-paced activities
When is the professional development offered?
Schools and school districts can tailor a timeframe for the professional development courses
What is the cost?
400 dollars per participant
Will participants receive Professional Development Points?
Participants who complete all required work will receive 15 PDP’s.
Our Impact
500 +
45 +
Using a genre-based pedagogy informed by systemic functional linguistics, participants will learn how to teach specific genres. The strong emphasis on language development distinguishes this approach from others currently used in schools. These offerings are designed for teaching all students but considerable attention is placed on teaching multilingual learners and students in bilingual programs. Since the theory itself originated from the work with students speaking multiple languages, an emphasis is placed on examining language and how it functions in texts.Ìý
We are committed to collaborating with you to create personalized professional learning experiences that prioritize student needs and align with your school goals and strategic priorities. To ensure a tailored approach, our program manager will meet with the school leader and/or leadership team prior to the workshop to understand your school's unique culture and customize the learning experience.
Throughout this program, participants will:
Engage in online lectures and live discussions
View model lessons
Analyze student work
Explore writing resourcesÌý
Develop instructional materials for their students
Meet to reflect on the learning and identify implementation support
Our offerings include:
District and/or School Consulting
This service included as part of the professional development includes a school-visit before the program, and a reflection meeting with the facilitator and the school administrator to identify implementation support.Ìý
Teaching NarrativeÌý
Using a genre-based pedagogy informed by systemic functional linguistics, participants will learn how to teach non-fiction narratives and fictional narratives.
Teaching Report and Explanation
Using a genre-based pedagogy informed by systemic functional linguistics, participants will learn how to teach reports and explanations in the context of social studies and/or science.
Teaching Argument and Procedure
Using a genre-based pedagogy informed by systemic functional linguistics, participants will learn how to teach arguments and procedures across the disciplines.
Program Faculty

Course Facilitators

Tracy Hodgson-Drysdale
Professor of Education Specializing in Literacy, Multilingualism, and Linguistics

Contact lynchschoolpce@bc.edu for more information about customizing or paying for multiple registrants via purchase order.