Stokes Hall S441
Telephone: 617-552-0556
Email: allison.curseen@bc.edu
African American and 19th-century American Literature and Culture; Performance and Performance Studies; Child Studies; Theories of Fugitivity and Unruliness.
Specializes in African American and 19th-century American literature and culture. Her particular interests include performance and performance studies, child studies, and theories of fugitivity and unruliness. Her current project examines nineteenth century depictions  of childish physical movements in the context of the Fugitive Slave Act, antitruancy laws, and antebellum anxieties about unregulated movement, blackness, and national development. Her most recent work appears in the collection Saving the World: Girlhood and Evangelicalism in the Nineteenth Century.
"Never Was Born [Again]": Grace, Blackness, and Stowe's Domestic Evangelicalism.â€Â Saving the World: Girlhood and Evangelicalism in the Nineteenth Century. Eds. Allison Giffen and Robin Cadwallader. New York: Routledge, (Forthcoming 2017).
“‘Negroes Be Changing on the Daily’: A Review of Howard Craft’s Freight: The Five Incarnations of Abel Green." (Here Theater. New York, NY. July-August 2015.) Not That But This Arts and Culture Webzine. Ed. Nathaniel Donnett. Web. Winter 2016.  <>