Assistant Professor of the Practice
Stokes Hall North 255
Telephone: 617-552-3796
Email: stanley.anozie@bc.edu
Person and Social Responsibility
Philosophical Hermeneutics on Race and Justice
Philosophical Perspectives on Justice
Philosophy of Race
Perspectives on Art/Aesthetics (African and Western Perspectives)
Hermeneutic of Political Belongingness (Hans Georg Gadamer and Martin Buber), Social and Political, Philosophy, Philosophical Perspectives on Justice, Western Philosophy, Indigenous/African Philosophy and Religions, Africana Studies, Public Ethics and Applied Ethics, Hermeneutics, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Race and Colonialism, Propaganda and Persuasion (Jacques Ellul and Randal Marlin).
MÂ 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
FÂ 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Prof. Stanley Uche Anozie taught Philosophy and Ethics at University of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. He taught Indigenous Religions in Global Context at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and Philosophy at William Paterson University, Wayne, New Jersey, USA. Anozie was Vice-President Alternative Perspectives and Global Concerns () (https://apgc.education), (Toronto Area and African Division) -an Ottawa-based scholarly organization and a consultative status organization with UN-ECOSOC (UN committee of the States on NGOs, UNESCO). He was a contributor to Canada and Challenges of International Development and Globalization (a book nominated/finalist for 2019 PROSE Award by Association of American Publishers’ Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division). He is an Editorial board member of International Journal of Philosophy.
2023: “African Ethics: Human Being is Beautiful” in Beauty in African Thought: Critical Perspectives on the Western Idea of Development (Lexington Books) (ISBN-13: 978-1793630759)
2022: Hermeneutics of Person, Belongingness and Diverse Philosophies, by Stanley Uche Anozie, (Republic of Moldova: Generis Publishing) (ISBN-13 : 979-8886760224)
2021: The Hermeneutics of Hope in African Igbo Ontology/Metaphysics (for Revue Roumaine de Philosophie) (Vol. 65, Issue 2, 2021)
2020: Hans-Georg Gadamer and African Hermeneutic Philosophy, by Stanley Uche Anozie, (Republic of Moldova: Generis Publishing) (ISBN: 978-9975-3402-8-1)
2020: “Aristotle’s Phronesis and a Re-consideration of His Influence on Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics” in Revue Roumaine de Philosophie/Romanian Philosophical Review, Volume 64, 1, pp.141-159 (June 2020)
2019: “Can Igbo Mysticism Fight against Boko Haram?” (Chapter 12) in Responses of Mysticism to Religious Terrorism: Sufism and Beyond, Editors Mahmoud Masaeli and Rico Sneller (Belgium: Gompel&Svacina bvba) (ISBN: 9789463711906)
2019: “The Problem of Evil in Platonism and Gadamerian Plato” in Romanian Philosophical Review, Volume 63, pp. 115-129 (June 2019)
2017: The Nigerian Government War Against Boko Haram/Terrorism, by Anozie Stanley (SaarbrĂĽcken, Germany, Omniscriptum Publishing Group), Editions universitaires europeennes, (ISBN-13: 978-3-639-62342-0; ISBN-10: 3639623428)
2017: “African Esotericism with a Concentration on Igbo Tradition” in Spirituality and Global Ethics, edited by Prof. Mahmoud Masaeli, (UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing).
2017: “Jacques Maritain’s Interpersonal Relations and African Philosophy of Personhood/Community” in Maritain Studies Volume XXXIII, 2017, (Published by the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association), pp. 78-99.
2017: “Imaging Maritain’s Renaissance Humanism and Reformation in African Christianism: a CriticalPhilosophical Assessment” at the Symposium of the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association, (October 27-28, 2017, Dominican University College, Ottawa)
Anozie is working on themes of a book on--Foundations of Political Thought: Liberalism and its Antagonists, with Prof. Mahmoud Masaeli. This book would be a resource book for APGC Centre for the Study of Human Rights and Democratic Development.