News Archive
12/2022: I gave an invited talk at theon "Engineering dynamical and topological phase transition from a non-Hermitian perspective".
12/2022: I am really happy to announce that I was awarded the.
10/2022:Thore Posske, Mircea Trif and I are organizing theon the interplay between topology, spin systems, and superconductivity. The conference will be held in person at the National Museum of Iceland, in the heart of Reykjavík.
We have secured 32 invited speakers, but we have still few slots available for contributed talks and poster presentations: you are welcome to apply for one on them on our!
10/2022: I gave atitled "Exceptional points as signatures of topological and dynamical phase transitions of the magnetization dynamics" at the. Thanks for the invitation Giovanni!
10/2022: II gave a seminar titled"New phenomena in dissipative magnetic systems"atthe UCCS. Thanks for the great visitEzio and Dima!
9/2022: Ouris out! In this work, we review the progress resulting from applying non-Hermitian theories to the dynamics of both pure and hybrid magnonic systems, and we offer our perspective on future research.
8/2022: I gave an invited talk at the on "Unveiling new phenomena in dissipative magnetic systems".
7/2022: Our paperis out! In this work, we show that layered 2dmagnets driven by spin current injection can host a multitude of EPs, which can likely influence the response functions routinely probed in spintronics setups. Furthermore, we unveil a peculiark-dependent pseudo-Hermiticity and topological insulating phases analogous to the model's Hermitian counterpart.
7/2022: Our paperis out!Recently, a colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) was observed in athat does not fit the conventional mixed-valence paradigm., we suggested a magnetic BKT transition as the mechanism underlying the dramatic increase in the temperature-dependence magnetoresistance. In this work, using Montecarlo techniques, we explore the magnetic phases ofEu-based A-type antiferromagnets andprovidequalitative numerical evidence that the effectcan berelated to a magnetic BKT transition.
6/2022: I gave a talk titled"New phenomena in dissipative magnetic systems"at the Sol-SkyMag 2022 Conference in San Sebastian.
6/2022: I gave a seminar titled"New phenomena in dissipative magnetic systems"at La Sorbonne University in Paris. Thanks for the great visit Massimiliano!
5/2022: Our paperis out! In this work, we show every ionic crystal in a magnetic field has a sizable Hall viscosity, independent of phonon coupling to external degrees of freedom.
5/2022: I gave an invited talk at theSpin Caloritronics 2022conference in Urbana-Champaign on new phenomenain dissipative magnetic systems.
5/2022:I gave an invited talk at the2022 MRS Spring Meetingin Honolulu on topological phases in dissipative magnetic systems.
5/2022:Our paperis out! In this work, we investigatethe interplay between linear and nonlinear spin dynamics in proximity of exceptional points.
4/2022: I gave an (online) talk at Manchester University on topological phenomena in dissipative systems. Thanks Angelika for the invitation!
3/2022: I gave aninvited talkat the 2022 March Meeting titled "Charged defects and phonon Hall effects in ionic crystals". The giant thermal Hall conductivities measured recently in dielectric oxides with different crystalline structures and unalike magnetic and ferroelectric orders (or lack of thereof) are a truly fascinating puzzle. If you are interested, here a link to. Thanks to Louis for organizing this APS session!
2/2022:I am really happy to announce that our application to host thein 2024 at Boston College, in partnership with Wellesley College, has been accepted!
1/2022: Our paperis out! In this work, we investigate the non-linear and finite-temperature dynamics of a spin-torque oscillator array that realizes a non-Hermitiantopologicalphase. Our results show that the topologically-protected lasing edge mode dynamics can persist for a broad range of temperatures and parameters.
1/2022: I gave an in-person seminar titled "Magnetic topological phases in dissipative systems" at Ohio State University. Thanks for the wonderful visit Jos and Yuanming!
1/2022:Our paperhas been published on Science Advances!
2/2022: This year I have coordinated the inclusion of the physics department into theWomen in Science program at Boston College.This initiative targets female students from Boston-area high schools, with the goal of sparking their interest in science at an early age and of introducing them to female role models. Many thanks to Alenna, Bryan, and Faranak who have served as volunteers in our event and to all the help provided by Malavika.

12/2021: Our Women in Physics Group at Boston College has been awardedan APS WiP Group Grant!
12/2021: I am really happy to announce that I was awarded theNSF CAREERaward! This grant offers us continuing support (2022-2027) for our research onMagnetic topological phases in dissipative systems.
9/2021:I gave aseminartitled "Magnetic topological phases in dissipative systems" at Columbia University.Thanks for the invitation!
9/2021: I gave a talk titled "Magnon-polarons in magnetic insulators" at theVirtual DPG Meeting “SKM21”. In this talk, I discussthe effects of strong magneto-elastic coupling on the transport properties of magnetic insulators and show that thecan be attributed to the magnon-phonon interaction. For more details, click.
9/2021: Our paper "Non-Hermitian skin effect in magnetic systems" is out! In this work, we show that the non-Hermitian skin effect, whose emergence is in two- or higher-dimensional solid-state systems remains largely unexplored, can appear in a vander Waals magnetic monolayerin a magnetic system due to intrinsic spin-spin and spin-phonon interactions. Moreover, we propose a guiding principle to predict the emergence of the skin effect and its dependence on the system’s parameters. For more details, click.
9/2021: I gave a talk titled "Magnetic topological phases in dissipative systems" at theon-line SPICE-SPIN+X spintronics seminars. In this talk, I discusshow the recent introduction of non-Hermitian topological classifications has opened up opportunities for engineering topological phases in magnetic systems, and I present. Furthermore, I discuss the conditions under which magnetic insulating systems can host one of the most striking non-Hermitian phenomena with no Hermitian counterpart, i.e., the skin effect, which underlies the breakdown of the bulk-edge correspondence. For the video, click.
9/2021: Our NGP collaboration focused on MonteCarlo simulations of spin systems withhas officially started.
8/2021: This fall semester I will be teaching the graduate-level class "Topology in condensed matter".
7/2021: Our paper "Charged Defects and Phonon Hall Effects in Ionic Crystals" is out!Recently the striking observation of giant thermal Hall signals in many insulating oxides,, has stimulated great interest. While it is clear now that phonons are the main heat carriers, the mechanism responsible for the enhanced magnitude of the thermal Hall signal at high magnetic fields remains puzzling. Up to now, most theoretical proposals that have addressed this puzzle rely on the coupling of phonons to a surrounding spin or electronic environment. In this work, we propose an alternative mechanism based on phonon scattering on extrinsic impurities that break time-reversal symmetry. For more details, click.
7/2021: Our paper "Magnetoresistance driven by the magnetic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition" has been accepted for publication! Recently, a temperature-dependent colossal magnetoresistance was measured in the antiferromagnetic EuCd2P2. Motivated by this experimental discovery, in this work we investigate the interplay between electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom near the BKT transition and we show that a colossal magnetoresistance is consistent with an exponential proliferation of topological defects. For more details, click.
4/2021: Our review "Magnonics in collinear magnetic insulating systems" has beenpromoted to aFeatured Articlein the Journal of Applied Physics! In this work, weprovide a pedagogical introduction to theoretical and experimental advances in the study of magnonics in collinear magnetic insulating systems. For more details,click.
3/2021: I gave an onlineCMT Kids' Seminarat Harvard University, titled "Unveiling new phenomena in magnetic systems".
1/2021: I gave an online Seminar at Aachen University, titled "Unveiling new phenomena in magnetic systems".
1/2021: Our paper "Floquet engineering of topological transitions in a twisted transition metal dichalcogenide homobilayer" has been chosen as Editor's Suggestions in Phys. Rev. B! In this work, we studytwisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers driven by different forms of monochromatic light. For more details, click.

8/2021:We hadour first social meeting for female undergraduate and graduate students at Boston College! If you want to join, we will bemeeting every first Monday of the month at 5pm.
I am currently searching for undergraduates that would like to join with me the initiativeWomen in Science at Boston College. This initiative targets female students from Boston-area high schools, with the goal of sparking their interest in science at an early age and of introducing them to potential female role models in science. If you are interested in discussing more, drop by my office or send me an email at
8/2021: Our paper "Spin interactions and topological magnonics in chromium trihalide CrClBrI" is out! Recently, experimental work has shown the discrete lattice symmetry and degree of anisotropy of spin-spin interactions in chromium halides can be tuned by changing the relative composition of halide atoms. Motivated by this advancement, here we derive a model chromium trihalide CrClBrI. For more details, clickhere.

6/2021: I gave a talk titled "Entangling Distant Spin qubits via a Magnetic Domain Wall" atNSF Virtual Workshop on Emerging Opportunities at the Intersection of Quantum and Thermal Sciences. In this talk, I discussa scheme to entangle distant spin qubits, such as NV centers, via the soft modes of an antiferromagnetic domain wall. For more details on this proposal, click.

11/2020: Our paper "Quantum Sensing of Spin Transport Properties of an Antiferromagnetic Insulator" is out! This theoretical/experimental collaboration showsthe potential of NV centers in diagnosingspin transport properties in a broad range of high-frequency magnetic materials, which are challenging to access by more conventional measurement techniques. For more details, click.

11/2020: I gave a talk titled "Non-Hermitian topology of 1D spin-torque oscillators arrays" at the SPICE workshop onCoherent order and spin transport in spin-active systems.In this talk, Ipresent.For the video, click.
9/2020: I have officially started an Assistant Professor position at Boston College! This semester I will teach the graduate-level course "Topology in Condensed Matter".20s