Associate Professor
McGuinn Hall 528
Telephone: 617-552-4319
Email: katherine.mcauliffe.2@bc.edu
Katherine McAuliffe’s work focuses on the development and evolution of cooperation. Her primary research investigates how children develop an understanding of the norms governing cooperation and a willingness to enforce them. Her work on children is situated within a broader cross-cultural and comparative context that seeks to understand how and why the cognition supporting cooperation evolved.
McAuliffe, K., Blake, P.R., Steinbeis, N., & Warneken, F. (In press). The developmental foundations of human fairness. Nature Human Behaviour
McAuliffe, K., Raihani, N.J., & Dunham, Y. (In press). Children are sensitive to norms of giving. Cognition
McAuliffe, K., & Dunham, Y. (In press) Fairness overrides group bias in children’s second-party punishment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
McAuliffe, K., & Santos, L. (In press). Do animals have a sense of fairness? Atlas of Moral Psychology
Bone, J.E., McAuliffe, K., & Raihani, N.J. 2016. Exploring the motivations for punishment: framing and country-level effects. PLoS ONE, 11(8), e0159769.
Thornton, A., McAuliffe, K., Dall, S.R.X., Fernandez-Duque, E., Garber, P.A., & Young, A.J. 2016. Fundamental problems with the Cooperative Breeding Hypothesis: A reply to Burkart & Van Schaik. Journal of Zoology 299, 84-88.
McAuliffe, K., & Dunham, Y. (2015). Group bias in cooperative norm enforcement. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 371, 20150073.
Blake, P. R.*, McAuliffe, K.*, Corbit, J., Callaghan, T. C., Barry, O., Bowie, A., et al. (2015). The ontogeny of fairness in seven societies. Nature, 528, 258–261. *Indicates joint first authorship
 McAuliffe, K., Wrangham, R. W., Glowacki, L., & Russell, A. F. (2015). When cooperation begets cooperation: the role of key individuals in galvanizing support. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 370, 20150012.Â
Jordan, J., McAuliffe, K., & Rand, D. 2015. Third-party punishment is motivated by anger and is not an artifact of self-focused envy or the strategy method. Experimental Economics, 1-23.
McAuliffe, K., Chang, L., Spaulding, R., Leimgruber, K., Blake, P.R., & Santos, L. 2015. Capuchin monkeys show no evidence for inequity aversion in a costly choice task. Animal Behaviour 103: 65-74.Â
McAuliffe, K., Jordan, J., & Warneken, F. 2015. Costly third-party punishment in young children. Cognition 134: 1-10.
McAuliffe, K., & Thornton, A. 2015. The psychology of cooperation in animals: an ecological approach. Journal of Zoology 295: 23-35.Â
Johnston, A.M., McAuliffe, K., & Santos, L. 2015. Another way to learn about teaching: what dogs can tell us about the evolution of pedagogy. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 38: e44.
Thornton, A., & McAuliffe, K. 2015. Cognitive Consequences of Cooperative Breeding? A Critical Appraisal. Journal of Zoology 295: 12-22.