Senior Lecturer
McGuinn Hall 503
Telephone: 617-552-4365
Email: sean.macevoy@bc.edu
PSYC1120 Introduction to Behavioral Statistics and Research I
PSYC1121 Introduction to Behavioral Statistics and Research II
PSYC2274 Sensation and Perception
PSYC3378 Vision
PSYC4474 Research Practicum in Sensory Psychology
PSYC5574 Neuroscience of Sensation and Perception
Human visual neuroscience, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and psychophysics: neural mechanisms of form perception and object recognition; perceptual learning; functional organization of the human visual cortex. History of neuroscience.
MacEvoy, S.P. (2013) "What?" and "Where?" versus "What is Where?": The impact of task on coding of object form and position in the lateral occipital complex. Journal of Vision. 13(8):21, 1–15.
MacEvoy, S.P., & Yang, Z. (2012). Joint neuronal tuning for object form and position in the human lateral occipital complex. NeuroImage. 63:1901-1908.
MacEvoy, S.P., & Epstein, R.A. (2011). Constructing scenes from objects in human occipitotemporal cortex. Nature Neuroscience,14,1323–1329.
Morgan, L.K., MacEvoy, S.P., Aguirre, G.K., & Epstein, R.A. (2011) Distances between real-world locations are represented in the human hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience. 31:1238-1245.
MacEvoy, S.P. & Epstein, R.A. (2009). Decoding the representation of multiple simultaneous objects in human occipitotemporal cortex. Current Biology, 19: 943-947.