Simboli Hall 219
Telephone: 909-957-0826
Email: bill.roozeboom@bc.edu
Pastoral Care and Counseling; Faith leader well-being; Faith leader stress and burn out; intersections of neuroscience and spirituality; implicit bias
Dr. Roozeboom is Affiliate Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and Pastoral Care at Loyola Marymount University. He also teaches periodically at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry as serves as a theological content advisor on 㽶STM’s, “Science for Seminaries: Neuroscience Education for Theology Training” project with the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Dialogue on Science, Religion, and Ethics (AAAS/DoSER). Additionally, he serves as the Executive Director and Pastoral Counselor at the Avery Centre Counseling Services, overseeing and providing neurotherapy services, as well as pastoral counseling services.
Dr. Roozeboom’s research explores the intersections of neuroscience and pastoral and practical theology. His most recent publication, “Wired for Fear: Recognizing and Countering Implicit Bias in the Brain” (Journal of Pastoral Theology, 2021), explores the connections between fear, implicit bias, and injustice, and illustrates how the brain’s categorization processes collude with bias to favor ‘in-group’ members and ‘other’ ‘out-group’ members. His book, Neuroplasticity, Performativity, and Clergy Wellness: Neighbor Love as Self-Care (Lexington Books, 2017) presents a clergy wellness model and outlines specific practices to induce life-giving changes to the structure and function of the brain.
Pastoral Care in Communities of Faith
Neuroplasticity, Performativity, and Clergy Wellness: Neighbor love as self-care.Lexington Books (January 2017)
Wired for Fear: Recognizing and Countering Implicit Bias in the Brain (Journal of Pastoral Theology, 2021)
Performativity and Plasticity: Storying “self” bi-directionally in the embodied brain ecosystem. In
Sacred Spaces: The E-Journal of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors(Volume 7,
2015), 56-86.
Book Reviews
Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved, by Kate Bowler, Journal of Pastoral Theology (forthcoming)
The Power of Neuroplasticity for Pastoral and Spiritual Care, by Kirk Bingaman,Journal of
Pastoral Theology(Vol. 24, No. 2, 2014).