Courses are identified with a combination of numbers and letters. The course number is preceded by a school designation. All courses in the Carroll School of Management are represented by “CSOM.” The numbers for graduate-level courses are in the 6000s, 7000s and 8000s. Course numbers in the 7000s are core requirements and course numbers in the 6000s and 8000s are electives. Courses lower than 6000 are undergraduate classes and do not count toward degree requirements for graduate students. CSOM graduate classes are typically held Monday - Friday and the majority of classes are held in-person. CSOM core courses are offered every semester while elective offerings vary by semester.
Four letters are used to represent the area of study (department) and are followed by a four-digit number representing the specific courses. The areas of study are:
Some core courses and electives have prerequisite classes that must be successfully completed prior to taking the course. If a course has a prerequisite(s), it is typically listed below the course description in EagleApps. Students should not register for a course(s) for which they do not meet the prerequisite(s).
For any student looking to further their studies in Finance, it is important to note that many Finance courses have at least one prerequisite. Itis suggested that you take MFIN8807 Corporate Finance and MFIN8801 Investments as soon as possible after completing MFIN7704/7722 Financial Management. There will be no exceptions toprerequisites in Finance courses.
Students are able to add a course or drop a course online themselves by the Add/Drop deadline each semester. For those courses marked as Department Permission, please contact the Graduate Programs Office at gsomstsv@bc.edu.
Students interested in auditing a course first need to obtain permission by contacting the Graduate Programs Office, gsomstsv@bc.edu. Graduate students who are allowed to audit a course with permission pay half of the tuition cost for the course plus fees. Students do not receive grades or credits for audited courses nor can they be used to fulfill degree requirements. Students cannot audit a course and then retake the course for academic credit.
An independent study course, also known in the Carroll School as directed readings, directed research, independent study, advanced independent study, readings and research, directed readings and research, or advanced independent research, allows the student to study an area not explicitly covered in the Carroll School graduate curriculum. This three-credit course, which cannot be taken pass/fail and must be supervised by a full-time faculty member, is typically taken by graduate students after they complete the core curriculum. Independent study may not be associated with an existing internship program with the exception of international graduate students who participate in the CPT internship program. A directed study may not substitute a required course or duplicate an elective course. For more information, contact the Graduate Programs Office, gsomstsv@bc.edu.
After consulting with the Graduate Programs Office, students may take elective courses at the Boston College Law School, the Graduate School of Social Work, the Graduate School of Nursing, the Graduate School of Education, or the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. With the exception of dual-degree candidates, students are limited to two cross-registration courses.
Students may cross register for one course each semester (not including Summer) at Boston University and Tufts, through the Consortium. Online classes are not included in the Consortium agreement. Students interested in cross-registering for courses through the Consortium must first seek approval from the Graduate Programs Office and complete the necessary cross-registration form. Per the Consortium agreement, tuition will be billed through the student's Boston College account, at the Carroll School of Management's tuition rate.
Students already enrolled in a Master's degree program at Boston College who wish to take a graduate course at another institution for credit toward their Boston College graduate degree must obtain written approval from both the Graduate Program Assistant Dean, Student Services & Academic Advising and the Associate Dean before the course is taken.
Transfer of credit requests for currently enrolled students are only approved in extraordinary circumstances in which the student is not able to take the course at Boston College for personal or professional reasons.
Students should work with their academic advisor to exhaust all options available for online courses within the Carroll School of Management before considering a class for transfer credit.
Requests will only be reviewed for graduate courses at other AACSB-accredited colleges or universities and no transfer of credit will be approved for requests received after the course has been taken. Grades received for transferred courses are not calculated into the student's Boston College GPA.
The University reserves the right to correct typographical errors or to adjust this policy at any time.
View Transfer Credit Policy, Guidelines, and FAQs
Note About Course Waivers:Students maye be eligible to waive courses based upon prior coursework and/or professional certifications (such as CPA or CFA). Waiver policies vary according to program.
Newly enrolled students must refer to the "Student Services & Registration" tab on their Personal Admitted Student Site for further registration details.
Full-Time First Year MBA Students
Students must refer to the "Student Services & Registration" tab on their Personal Admitted Student Site for further registration details.
Official records of graduate CSOM students are accessible only to the student, appropriate faculty and authorized members of the CSOM staff. Access to the student record by any individual other than those previously mentioned, requires written consent of the student. A student who wishes to review the content of their record must make an appointment with an academic advisor in the Graduate Programs Office and may review their record only in the presence of a staff member during regular office hours. If a student has waived the right to see their letters of recommendation, these letters will be withheld.
Current students should request official transcripts via the transcript request link in the Agora Portal. Unofficial transcripts are only available as hard copy documents. They may only be requested and picked up in person by the record-holder with a valid 㽶 or government ID in the University Office of Student Services. Unofficial transcripts cannot be sent by Boston College electronically to the record-holder or any third-party.
Academic advising services are available to all graduate students in the Carroll School of Management. Academic advisors are available to discuss program degree requirements, academic policies and procedures, course selections, adjustment and personal challenges, and available resources and services.
For more information, please emailgsomstsv@bc.edu.
Academic Advising Information for MBA Students [PDF]
MSA students in need of curricular advising should contact Professor Gil Manzon.
MSF students in need of curricular advising should contact Professor Michael Barry.