The Education Policy Council is the official vehicle whereby the faculty provide the assistance and consultation to the dean on planning, developing, coordinating, and supervising curricula and programs.
Curricular issues concerning the Lynch School will be studied by ad hoc committees appointed by the EPC on an as needed basis. These committees shall consider policy issues within their charge and report their recommendations to the EPC for action. The EPC is authorized to appoint ad hoc committees at its discretion. Membership on ad hoc committees is not limited to members of the EPC.
Any action of the EPC contravening University policy or statute shall be null and void.
The EPC shall have twelve members: eight faculty, two students, (one undergraduate and one graduate), and, ex officio, the Dean and Associate Dean of Faculty and Academics. All members shall have voting privileges.
Six faculty shall be elected for a two-year term. Two faculty shall be appointed by the Dean for a two-year term. Two students (one graduate and one undergraduate) shall be selected for a one-year term by their respective constituencies. This selection shall be made in the Spring semester, prior to a term of office beginning with the academic year.
The EPC will also elect its Chair for the next academic year at the last meeting of the previous academic year. The Chair will serve for one academic year.
Regular EPC meetings shall be held monthly during the academic year. Special meetings may be convened at the call of the Chair. Both regular and special meetings shall be open to faculty and students of the School of Education, and to the academic officers of the University. Without opposition, such persons may be granted the privilege of the floor.
Seven members of the EPC shall constitute a quorum. Motions are carried by the simple majority.
This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of all full-time faculty. Adequate notice shall be given for any proposed amendment.
By-laws may be appended to, and become part of, this charter by a two-thirds majority vote of all full time faculty.
This charter shall become effective on the day of adoption by the School/Department of Education faculty. A two-thirds majority vote of all full-time faculty shall be required for adoption.
The EPC has two subcommittees. Issues that are brought to the EPC will be assigned to one of the other subcommittees by the Chair. When recessing, ad hoc committees can be created by the EPC to deliberate specific issues.
What supporting Documentation to submit to EPC Subcommittees when Proposing Course/Curriculum Changes: