Maloney Hall 394
Telephone: 617-552-3688
Email: robert.murphy.1@bc.edu
ECON4497 Senior Honors Thesis, Fall semester
ECON2204 Honors Macro Theory
ECON4498 Senior Honors Thesis, Spring semester
"Rational Bias in Inflation Expectations,” with Adam Rohde, 2018. Eastern Economic Journal, 44(1),153-171
"Explaining Inflation in the Aftermath of the Great Recession," 2014. Journal of Macroeconomics, 40, 228-244
"The Relation Between a University's Football Record and the Size of Its Applicant Pool," with Gregory Trandell, 1994. Economics of Education Review, 13, 265-270
"Interest Rate Parity and the Exchange Risk Premium: Evidence from Panel Data," with E. Scott Mayfield, 1992. Economics Letters 40, 319-324
"Managing the Dollar: Has The Plaza Agreement Mattered?", with Michael Klein and Bruce Mizrach, 1991. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 23 , 742-751
"Capital Mobility and the Relationship Between Saving and Investment Rates in OECD Countries," 1984. Journal of International Money and Finance 3, 327-342
Working Paper 920. Robert G. Murphy, "" (04/2016, pdf)
Working Paper 857. Robert G. Murphy and Adam Rohde (Charles River Associates), "" (rev. 08/2015, pdf)
Working Paper 823. Robert G. Murphy, "" (rev. 01/2014: PDF; published, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2014, 40, 228-244)
Working Paper 647. Robert G. Murphy and Nicholas G. Tresp (UBS Investment Bank), "" (rev. 08/2006: 248 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 435. Robert G. Murphy, "" (11/1999: 157 Kb, Adobe Acrobat format; published in The Economic Outlook for 2000, S. Hymans., ed., 2000, 135-176)
Working Paper 414. Robert G. Murphy, "" (11/98: 42 Kb, Adobe Acrobat format; published, Business Economics, 1999, 34, 33-38)
Working Paper 386. Robert G. Murphy, "" (rev. 03/1999, PDF; published as "Household Debt and Consumer Spending," Business Economics, 1998, 33, 38-42)
Working Paper 283. Robert G. Murphy, "Macroeconomic Policy Implications of Oil in Colombia" (11/1994; published in Colombia: An Opening Economy, F. Gunter, ed., 1999)
Working Paper 262. John Barkoulas, Alpay Filiztekin and Robert G. Murphy, "The Long-Run Relationship Between Saving And Investment Stylized Fact Or Fiction?" (12/1993; published as "Time Series Evidence on the Saving-Investment Relationship," Applied Economics Letters, 1996, 3, 77-80)