Stokes Hall S495
Telephone: 617-552-1655
Email: min.song@bc.edu
Min Hyoung Song is the Chair of the English Department, and the former director of the Asian American Studies Program.His most recent book isClimate Lyricism, whichwon the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) Ecocritical Book Prize and has been short-listed for the Associationfor the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP) Brook Prize.He is also the author of two other books,The Children of 965: On Writing and Not Writing as an Asian AmericanandStrange Future: Pessimism and the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. The Children of 1965won the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) Prize in Literary Criticism, the Alpha Sigma Nu Award in Literature and Fine Arts, and received an Honorable Mention for the ASAP Book Prize. He is the general editor (with Rajini Srikanth) of the four-volume series "Asian American Literature in Transition" for Cambridge University Press, and co-editor (with Rajini Srikanth) ofThe Cambridge History of Asian American Literature. In addition to numerous shorter publications in edited volumes and academic journals, his writings have appeared in venues like the Los Angeles Review of Books,Washington Post,Chronicle of Higher Education, Public Books, The Chicago Review of Books, and the Margins.