Telephone: 617-552-0554
Email: michael.noone@bc.edu
MUSA1200 Introduction to Music
MUSA 3226 Masterworks of the Choral Literature
MUSA 2201 Music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
MUSA 4941 Senior Seminar
Early Modern sacred music, with an emphasis on Spain and Latin America
Tuesday & Thursday at 12:00 noon and by appointment
Michael Noone’s career as both music scholar and choral director has taken him to teaching, research, and performance posts at universities in five countries on four continents. He was educated at , Riverview, before going on to the and . He has served as Chair of Musicology at the and Chair of Music at the .
Michael has recorded 28 CDs for the and labels with such groups as the Orchestra of the Renaissance, the Sydney Chamber Choir, and the Song Company. In 2001 he founded, with singer Warren Trevelyan-Jones, the London-based for the specific purpose of performing the Spanish music that is the subject of his research. The Ensemble’s CDs have received high praise from critics (WGBH named one among the and another was awarded the Prelude Classical Award for 2008), and their performances at the most prestigious international festivals, especially in Europe and the UK, are consistently acclaimed. In 2011 the Ensemble released a boxed set of ten CDs of sacred music by the great Spanish Renaissance priest-composer in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the composer’s death. Victoria was educated at the German College in Rome where he later became a teacher. Victoria was the first of a long line of great composers whose association with the Society of Jesus was decisive for the history of Western Music. The Boston Globe named the Victoria CDs among the “season’s best new box sets†for 2011 as did Britain’s Guardian newspaper. Similar accolades emerged from the San Francisco Chronicle and the Philadelphia Inquirer and the CDs won the 2012 Gramophone Awards.
Michael counts among his awards a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the , a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship at , a research fellowship at the in Spain, a research fellowship at and a fellowship at Boston College’s Jesuit Institute. At the he received an Outstanding Young Researcher Award and in 2006 he was honored by for his contribution to Spanish music through publications, concerts and recordings. He is a member of Spain’s
Scholarly articles by Michael Noone have been published in Early Music, Revista de MusicologÃa, Anuario Musical, Memoria ecclesiae, Cuadernos abulenses, Reales Sitios, Scherzo, Musicology Australia, Goldberg, and Notes. Noone’s first book, , was hailed as “trailblazing’ and his (described as ‘spectacular’ by Robert Stevenson) presented innovative codicological work that unveiled hitherto unknown works by Morales, Guerrero, Lobo and many other leading composers of Spain’s Golden Age.
Professor Noone’s research focuses on Early Modern sacred music, with a special emphasis on Spain and Latin America; he is passionate about the interrelationship of music scholarship and performance, and is deeply concerned with the complex issues raised when music of the past is performed in the present.
Diego de Bruceña (1567-1622): Libro de música religiosa (Salamanca: 1620). Ed. Michael Noone & Graeme Skinner. In preparation for Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU), Madrid.
Sebastián de Vivanco: Entre el coro, el aula y la imprenta. El maestro de capilla, el catedrático y el compositor a través de la documentación. Michael Noone, Alfonso de Vicente & Ascensión Mazuela. In preparation for Salamanca University Press.
(1607). Ed. Michael Noone & Graeme Skinner. Recent Researches in the Music of the Renaissance, 173. Middleton, Wisconsin: A-R Editions, 2020.
. Ed. Daniele Filippi & Michael Noone. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2017.
. Madrid: Editorial Alpuerto, 2003.
Rochester: Rochester University Press, 1998.
T. L. de Victoria, Missa pro defunctis (1583), Requiem Responsories (1592) and Officium Defunctorum (1605). Aberystwyth: Boethius Press, 1990.
Journal articles, book chapters, etc.
“El catedratico, el inmigrante, y la mujer iletrada: la imprenta musical en la Salamanca de principios del siglo XVII†in Congreso Internacional “Sebastián de Vivanco y la música de su tiempoâ€. Universidad de Salamanca. Colección: “Música Viva†de la Universidad de Salamanca. In press.
Cuadernos abulenses 51 (2023) 17-49.
Scherzo 391 (2023) 16-18.
in Tess Knighton & José MarÃa DomÃnguez (eds.), El cardenal Cisneros y la música. Medievalia - Revista d’Estudis Medievals 25 (2022) 163-210.Ìý
with Alfonso De Vicente, Paisajes Sonoros Históricos, 2022. ISSN: 2603-686X
with Alfonso De Vicente, Paisajes Sonoros Históricos, 2022. ISSN: 2603-686X.
with Alfonso De Vicente, Paisajes Sonoros Históricos, 2022. ISSN: 2603-686X.
with Alfonso De Vicente, Paisajes Sonoros Históricos, 2021. ISSN: 2603-686X.
with Alfonso De Vicente, Paisajes Sonoros Históricos, 2021. ISSN: 2603-686X.
“The Copying and Acquisition of Polyphony at Toledo Cathedral 1418-1542: The Evidence from Inventories and Payment Documents†in Esperanza RodrÃguez-GarcÃa & João Pedro d’Alvarenga (eds.), The Anatomy of Iberian Polyphony around 1500. (Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2021) 155-189.
with Alfonso De Vicente, Paisajes Sonoros ±á¾±²õ³Ùó°ù¾±³¦´Ç²õ, 2021.
Anuario Musical 75 (2020) 21-58.
with Anna Kijas †Arti Musices 48 (2018) 311-322.
with Graeme Skinner “Liturgia y polifonÃa; globalización y localismo en la catedral de Toledo durante los años del Grecoâ€, El entorno musical del Greco. Madrid, Editorial Musicalis, 2015, 189-202.
with Graeme Skinner “Multum in parvo: a 1555 Morales processional partbook at Toledo Cathedral — its genesis, use, and later history†in Iberian Early Music Studies: New perspectives on early music in Spain. Ed. Tess Knighton & Emilio Ros-Fábregas. Kassel, Edition Reichenberger, 2015, 88-107.
with Graeme Skinner, “The cathedral, the copyist, the composer and the canon: revisiting Toledo Cathedral’s Victoria Choirbook and the Liber primus (1576)†in Javier Suárez-Pajares & Manuel del Sol (eds.), Estudios. Tomás Luis de Victoria. Studies (Madrid: ICCMU, 2013) 37-54.
“Fuentes de la polifonÃa de Tomás Luis de Victoria en la catedral de Toledo en el siglo XVIâ€, Alfonso de Vicente (ed.) Tomás Luis de Victoria y la cultura musical en la España de Felipe III (Boadilla del Monte: Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica, 2012) 353-376.
“A sixteenth-century manuscript choirbook of polyphony for Vespers at Toledo Cathedral by Andrés de Torrentes (c. 1510-1580)†in Pure Gold: Golden Age Sacred Music in the Iberian World—A Homage to Bruno Turner. Ed. Tess Knighton & Bernadette Nelson. Edition Reichenberger, Kassel, 2011 3-26.
“Cristóbal de Morales (ca. 1500-1553)†Revista Fundación Juan March 390 (2010) 2-7.
“Tomás Luis de Victoria en Madrid,†´¡³Ü»å¾±´Ç³¦±ôá²õ¾±³¦²¹ 154 (2010) 82-87.
“La música medieval y renacentista†in Ramón Gonzálvez Ruiz, La Catedral Primada de Toledo—diechiocho siglos de historia (Zamudio, 2010) 332-341.
with Graeme Skinner, “Toledo Cathedral’s Manuscript Polyphonic Choirbooks ToleÏ㽶Ðã 18, ToleÏ㽶Ðã 25, and ToleÏ㽶Ðã 34 and their Origins†in João Pedro d’Alvarenga & Manuel Pedro Ferreira (eds.), ‘New Music’ 1400-1600 (Lisbon, 2009) 129-170.
“An early seventeenth-century source for performing practices at Toledo Cathedralâ€, in Gioia Filocamo & M. Jennifer Bloxam (eds.), “Uno gentile et subtile ingenioâ€: Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Bonnie Blackburn (Brepols: Turnhout, 2009). Ed. Philippe Vendrix. 155-168.
“Towards an aural image of Spanish Golden Age polyphony†Tijdschrift Oude Muziek 3 (2008) 12-16.
with Graeme Skinner & Ãngel Fernández Collado, “El Fondo de Cantorales de Canto Llano de la Catedral de Toledo—Informe y catálogo provisionalâ€, Memoria ecclesiae 31 (2008) 585-631.
with Graeme Skinner, “Toledo Cathedral’s collection of manuscript plainsong choirbooks: a preliminary report and checklist†NOTES, Quarterly Journal of the MLA 63 (2006) 289-328.
with Graeme Skinner, “The nuevo rezado, music scribes, and the restoration of Morales’s Toledo lamentationâ€, in Rees & Nelson, Cristóbal de Morales. (Boydell Press: 2007) 3-20.
“Toledo Cathedral’s lost ‘magnifique livre des messes’ recovered, and ‘new’ works by Boluda, Palomares and Navarroâ€, Early Music 34 (2006) 561-586.
“Luis Venegas de Henestrosa’s intabulation of Morales’s Sacris solemniis and its recently-discovered vocal sourceâ€, in Cinco siglos de música de tecla española Ed. Luisa Morales (AlmerÃa: LEAL, 2007) 11-26.
“Printed polyphony acquired by Toledo Cathedral, 1545-1669†in Tess Knighton and Iain Fenlon (eds.), Early Music Printing and Publishing in the Iberian World (Edition Reichenberger, Kassel: 2006), 241-74.
“Fernando de las Infantas and the art of the motet†Goldberg 38 (2006) 40-47.
“Processions to the ‘City of the Dead’: the Spanish Royal Chapel and an anonymous Requiem from El Escorialâ€, in The Royal Chapel in the Time of the Habsburgs. (Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2005) Ed. by Juan José Carreras, Bernardo GarcÃa GarcÃa, & Tess Knighton.
“Music at the Court of the Catholic Kings†Goldberg 26 (2004) 54-59.
“Felipe II y la música en El Escorial†in PolÃticas y practicas musicales en el mundo de Felipe II. Estudios sobre la música en España (Madrid: ICCMU, 2004) 41-46. Ed. by John Griffiths & Javier Súarez-Pajares.
“M´Ç°ù²¹±ô±ð²õ†Goldberg 24 (2003) 35-41.
“Cristóbal de Morales in Toledo 1545-6: ToleÏ㽶Ðã 25 and “new†works by Morales, Guerrero, Lobo, Tejeda, and Ambielaâ€, Early Music, XXX (2002) 341-363.
“V¾±±¹²¹²Ô³¦´Ç†Goldberg 16 (2001) 27-39.
“Procesiones a la “ciudad de los muertosâ€. La Capilla Real y un réquiem anónimo de El Escorialâ€, in J. J. Carreras & B. GarcÃa, La Capilla Real de los Austrias (Madrid, 2001) 207-34.
“Cristóbal de Morales en Toledoâ€, Scherzo 147 (2000) 124-5.
“A manuscript case study†Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music (OUP, 1998) 239-246.
“Philip II and musical patronage at the Escorialâ€, Leading Notes, XV (Spring 1998) 9-13.
“Philip II and music: a fourth centenary re-assessmentâ€, Revista de MusicologÃa XXI (1998) 431-51.
“Claudio Coello’s ‘Sagrada Forma’ and music for the ceremonial relocations of a sacred relic at El Escorial in 1684 and 1690â€, Musicology Australia XXI (1998) 16-27.
“Los ministriles de la catedral de Toledo en la segunda mitad del s. XVI†Actas del I Encuentro Tómas Luis de Victoria (Avila, 1997) 125-133.
“Manuscript polyphonic choirbooks from El Escorial: physical descriptions and inventories,†Revista de MusicologÃa, 17 (1994) 237-333.
“A census of monk musicians at the Escorial during the reigns of Philip II and Philip III (1563-1621)†Early Music, XX (1994) 221-36.
“Libros de coro de El Escorial en la Sociedad Hispánica de America,†Reales Sitios, No. 118 (1993) 41-5.
“Felipe II, MartÃn de Villanueva y el estilo desornamentado musical de El Escorial†in La música en el Monasterio del Escorial: Actas del Simposium (Madrid, 1993) 427-85.
“La compilación del códice polifónico toledano, ToleÏ㽶Ðã 16†Revista de MusicologÃa, 16 (1993) 2741-9.
“The politics of austerity and musical style in Philip II’s Escorial†(University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 1991).
Diego Bruceña and sacred music printed by Susana Muñoz – webpage, content and design. Currently in development.
– webpage, content and design (2017)
– webpage, content and design (2016)
✦ 50 Classical Yoga Tracks (Michael Noone conducting T. L. de Victoria), AÏ㽶Ðã Classic FM 4822178 (2015)
✦ S. de Vivanco—Missa In manus tuas, Orchestra of the Renaissance (Glossa) GCD 921405 (2014 re-release)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Sacred Works Ensemble Plus Ultra. Boxed set of ten CDs (DGG Archiv CD, 2011)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Motets and hymns for the liturgical year Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2011)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Missa Salve and motets Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2011)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Compilation released as part of DGG 50th anniversary boxed set
✦ Atalanta fugiens: Música, alquimia y rosacrucianismo a principios del XVII (Glossa, GCD P31407, 2011)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Missa O quam gloriosum y motetes Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2010)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Missa Ave Regina and motets Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2010)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Missa Alma redemptoris Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2010)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Liturgia de Pascua ca. 1600 Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2010)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Missa de Beata Virgine (versión toledana) Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2009)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Misas y Magnificat del manuscrito toledano Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv CD, 2009)
✦ William Byrd, Gradualia 1607, Ensemble Plus Ultra (Musica Omnia 0302, 2008)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Missa pro Victoria and Missa pro defunctis a 4 Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv, 2008)
✦ T. L. de Victoria, Lamentations of Jeremiah from Cap. Sis. MS 186 Ensemble Plus Ultra (DGG Archiv, 2008)
✦ Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens (1618), Ensemble Plus Ultra (Glossa, 2007)
✦ Gioseffo Zarlino, Canticum canticorum (1549). Ensemble Plus Ultra (Glossa) GCD 921406 (2007)
✦ F. Guerrero, Missa Super flumina Babylonis, Ensemble Plus Ultra (Glossa) GCD 922005 (2007)
✦ F. Guerrero (1528-1599), Missa Surge propera. Sydney Chamber Choir AÏ㽶Ðã Classics, 2006.
✦ Entornos musicales: Colón (+1506) Glossa GCD 06002 (2006) Three tracks conducted by Michael Noone
✦ Morales en Toledo, works by Morales, Ensemble Plus Ultra (Glossa) GCD 922001 (2005)
✦ Fernando de las Infantas, Motetes, Ensemble Plus Ultra (Documentos Sonoros) DS-0140 (2004)
✦ Sebastián de Vivanco—Missa In manus tuas, Orchestra of the Renaissance (Glossa) GCD 921405 (2002)
✦ Spanish Battle Music in the Age of Discovery—t³ó±ð Song Company AÏ㽶Ðã Classics 461 731-2 (2001)
✦ Assumption Mass at Toledo Cathedral, ca. 1580, Orchestra of the Renaissance (Glossa) GCD 921404 (2001)
✦ Canticum Canticorum, Orchestra of the Renaissance (Glossa) GCD 921403 (2000, reissued in 2008)
✦ F. Guerrero (+1599): Requiem, Orchestra of the Renaissance (Glossa, 1999, reissued in 2013)
2014ÌýÌýÌýÌý Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientÃficos, Barcelona
2012ÌýÌýÌýÌý Boston College Arts Council Faculty Award
2012ÌýÌýÌýÌý Gramophone Award for Early Music (Ten CD set of Victoria recordings for DGG Archiv)
2006ÌýÌýÌýÌý Elected to Real Academia de Bellas Artes y Ciencias Históricas de Toledo
2006ÌýÌýÌýÌý Awarded Medal of Royal Toledo Foundation by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I
1999ÌýÌýÌýÌý Outstanding Young Researcher Award, University of Hong Kong
1993ÌýÌýÌýÌý Telluride House Faculty Guest Fellowship, Cornell University
1990ÌýÌýÌýÌý Winner of XIII Concurso Anual de Investigación Musical y de Estudios Musicológicos (The Spanish Musicological Society’s highest award for research into Spanish music)