Lyons Hall 311C
Telephone: 617-552-8269
Email: tina.montenegro@bc.edu
French, Occitan and Italian medieval literatures; Reception of classical rhetoric; Medieval Studies; Intellectual History; Art History and Visual Arts
“Is the Rhetorical Ethos a Gendered Form of Confinement? The case of Christine de Pizan.” Women in French Studies Journal. Special Issue (2024): 172-184.
[Book Review] “RITA COPELAND, Emotion and the History of Rhetoric in the Middle Ages (Oxford Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture.)” ł§±č±đł¦łÜ±ôłÜłľĚý 99/44 (October 2024): 1273-1275.
“Atlantics: the Ocean as Another Place,” Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 11, no 3 (Winter 2021): 131-135, https://doi.org/10.3167/TRANS.2021.110308.
“Justice in the Miniatures of Brunetto Latini’s Art of Rhetoric: Columbia Library, Plimpton MS 281,” Clio@Themis: revue électronique d’histoire du droit 21 (2021), https://doi.org/10.35562/cliothemis.1899.
“Tłó±đ image of the wise diteor reflected in the division of philosophy of the Tresor,” in 'Darne in volgare alcuna dottrina,' Dante e la cultura fiorentina tra Bono Giamboni e Brunetto Latini, ed. Luca Lombardo, Zygmunt G. Baranski, Theodore J. Cachey Jr. (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2019), 133-148.
“Carambolages: Jean-Hubert Martin at the Grand Palais,” Shift: Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture 9 (2016). [Online].
“A Study about Emblems: A Serpent in ¶ŮĂ©±ôľ±±đ and in the Emblematum liber,” Notes on Early Modern Art 1, no. 2 (2014): 17-26.
“Sintoma e intuição, entrevista com Thierry de Duve,” Novos Estudos – CEBRAP 79 (Nov. 2007): 211-226.
Robert Bailey, “Penser l'art: les historiens de l'art se tournent vers l'art conceptuel,”  Marges 27 (2018): 16-29, https://doi.org/10.4000/marges.1458. English to French.
Jonathan Crary, Suspensões da percepção: atenção, espetáculos e cultura moderna (São Paulo: Cosac e Naify, 2013). English to Portuguese.
Hal Foster, “Design e crime,” Ars 8, no. 18 (2011): 49-58. English to Portuguese.
Luiz Edmundo Andrade,  A França do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro: Andaluz, 2009). Portuguese to French.
Peter T. Ricketts Dissertation Prize, Associations Internationale d’Études Occitanes, 2019
Beaujour Fellowship, NYU, 2017
Bradley Rubidge Prize, NYU, 2015
Floyd L. Moreland Scholarship, Latin/Greek Institute Summer Program, CUNY, 2014
“Tłó±đre and Back Again: Discussing Anachronism,” 2022 ACLA Annual Meeting, June 2022. (panelist and organizer)
“From Division to Order: Philosophy in the Tresor and in the Livre de la mutacion de Fortune,” Organizing and Disorganizing Knowledge, Durham History of the Book Conference, Durham University, September 2021.
“Seeing and Knowing: Aristotle in Christine de Pizan’s Livre de la mutacion de Fortune,” Wesleyan Renaissance Seminar, Wesleyan University, May 2021.
[Untlited] (a performative reading on love, language and feminine submission), Hildelund Art Festival, Västra Ämtervik, Sweden, July 2019.
“Boethius in Brunetto Latini's 13th century °Ő°ů±đ˛ő´Ç°ůĚý: Bridging the Gap Between Dialectic and Rhetoric,” 2019 MLA Annual Convention, Chicago, January 2019.
“Tłó±đ Origin of the World in the Middle Ages and our Narratives of Catastrophe,” Hildelund Art Festival, Västra Ă„mtervik, Sweden, July 2018.
“Tłó±đ Leys d'Amors: an Art of Poetry, a Book of Love,” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, Atlanta, March 2018.
“Plimpton MS 281, an Illuminated Manuscript of the Tresor as a Space of Rhetoric,” 20th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric – ISHR, London, July 2017.
“Divide to Conquer: The Division of Philosophy in Brunetto Latini and its Reception in Poetry,” GRI Fellows Lunch Presentation, NYU Florence, April 2017.