Stokes Hall 455N
Telephone: 617-552-8278
Email: amey.adkins@bc.edu
Introduction to Christian Theology I
Introduction to Christian Theology II
Black Church, Black Protest
Christianity and Colonialism
The Walking Dead
Theology of Karl Barth
Womanist and Black Theologies
Mariology, Protestant systematic theologies, Black feminist and Womanist thought, theological anthropology, iconography and visual theory, human trafficking, prison industrial complex, technology and artificial intelligence, theology and the US South
Amey Victoria Adkins-Jones is Assistant Professor of Theology and African and African Diaspora Studies at Boston College. Her scholarship specializes in Mariology and black feminist and womanist thought. Her first monograph (Immaculate Misconceptions,Ā in progress) offers a theological account of the rise of the global sex trade. Centering the icon of the black madonna, the book holds accountable theological notions of purity and rape at the site of black flesh. Her second project (See No Evil, in progress) names how technology has changed the way we visualize violence and black death, and offers a theology of black protest.
āThrough A Glass Darkly: Theological [Re]Visioning with All The Boysā inĀ Carrie MaeĀ Weems: Strategies of Engagement.Ā McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, 2018.
āBefore I Wake.ā In The Shadow of Charleston Special Symposium,Ā The Syndicate,Ā (July 28, 2015):Ā
āBlack/Feminist Futures: Reading Beauvoir inĀ Black Skin, White Masks.āĀ South Atlantic QuarterlyĀ 112(4): 697-723 (2013).