The disciplines vary, but a commitment to excellence, research, scholarship, and service unites our departments.
Get to know the Boston College schools by their shorthand.
°ä³§°¿²ÑÌýCarroll School of Management
°ä³§°¿±·ÌýConnell School of Nursing
°ä³§°Õ²ÑÌýClough School of Theology and Ministry
Ï㽶Ðã LawÌý
LSEHDÌýLynch School of Education and Human Development
MCASÌýMorrissey College of Arts and Sciences
MCÏ㽶ÐãÌýMessina College
Ï㽶ÐãSSWÌýSchool of Social Work
“A key reason that Jesuit education has emphasized the liberal arts for the past 500 years is that experience has shown that they are the best preparation for leadership. Our students and alumni have a great commitment to service leadership, which emerges in large measure from extended studies of our traditions and the great works of the past.”
Woods College is Ï㽶Ðã’s nonresidential college.ÌýStudents seeking the four-year, residential experience should not apply to the programs below.
Messina College is a two-year residential college offering an associate’s degree program to 100 students annually.
Accounting for CPAsÌý— in CSOM for non-management students
Accounting for Finance & ConsultingÌý— in CSOM for non-management students
African and African Diaspora StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
American StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
Ancient Civilization (Classics)Ìý— Interdisciplinary
Ancient Greek — MCAS
Applied Psychology & Human DevelopmentÌý— in Lynch for CSOM, MCAS, CSON
Arabic StudiesÌý— MCAS
Art HistoryÌý— MCAS
Asian StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
BiologyÌý— MCAS
Catholic StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
ChemistryÌý— MCAS
ChineseÌý— MCAS
CommunicationsÌý— in MCAS forÌýLynch
Computer ScienceÌý— MCAS
Cyberstrategy and DesignÌý— Lynch
Data Science —ÌýInterdisciplinary
Design Thinking and InnovationÌý— Lynch
East European StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
EconomicsÌý— MCAS
Educational TheaterÌý— Lynch
English — MCAS
Environmental StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
Faith Peace & JusticeÌý— Interdisciplinary
Film StudiesÌý— MCAS
Finance — in CSOM for non-management students
Foundations in Education — In Lynch for CSOM, MCAS, and CSON
French — MCAS
Geological Sciences — MCAS
General Business — CSOM
GermanÌý— MCAS
German StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
Global Public Health and the Common GoodÌý— Interdisciplinary
Hispanic StudiesÌý— MCAS
HistoryÌý— MCAS
Immigration, Education, and Humanitarian Studies — Lynch
Inclusive EducationÌý— inÌýLynch for MCAS and CSOM
International StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
Irish StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
Islamic Civilization & SocietiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
ItalianÌý— MCAS
Jewish StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
JournalismÌý— MCAS
Latin — MCAS
Latin American StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
Leadership in Higher Education and Community SettingsÌý— inÌýLynch for Lynch, MCAS, CSOM, and CSON
LinguisticsÌý— MCAS
Management and LeadershipÌý— in CSOM for CSON, MCAS, andÌýLynch
Managing for Social Impact and Public GoodÌý— Interdisciplinary
Marketing — in CSOM for non-management students
MathematicsÌý— MCAS
Medical Humanities, Health, and CultureÌý— Interdisciplinary
Middle School Mathematics TeachingÌý—ÌýLynch
MusicÌý— MCAS
PhilosophyÌý— MCAS
PhysicsÌý— MCAS
Religion and Public Life — Interdisciplinary
Research, Evaluation, and Measurement —ÌýinÌýLynch for Lynch, MCAS, CSOM, and CSON
Restorative and Transformational JusticeÌý— Lynch
RussianÌý— MCAS
Secondary EducationÌý— inÌýLynch for MCAS
SociologyÌý— MCAS
Special EducationÌý—ÌýLynch
Studio ArtÌý— MCAS
TELL certificateÌý— Lynch
TheatreÌý— MCAS
TheologyÌý— MCAS
Women's & Gender StudiesÌý— Interdisciplinary
Biology: M.S.T., Ph.D.
Chemistry:* M.S., M.S.T., Ph.D.
Classics: M.A.
Economics: Ph.D.
English: M.A., M.A.T., Ph.D.
French: M.A., M.A./M.B.A.
Geology: M.S., M.S.T., M.A./M.B.A.
Geophysics: M.S., M.S.T., M.A./M.B.A.
Hispanic Studies: M.A., M.A./M.B.A.
History: M.A., M.A.T., Ph.D.
Irish Literature and Culture: English, M.A.
Italian: M.A., M.A./M.B.A.
Latin: M.A.
Mathematics:* Ph.D.
Middle Eastern Studies: M.A.
Philosophy: M.A., Ph.D.
Philosophy and Theology: M.A.
Physics:* M.S., M.S.T., Ph.D.
Political Science: M.A., Ph.D.
Psychology: B.A./M.A., Ph.D.
Sociology: M.A., Ph.D., M.A./M.B.A., Ph.D./M.B.A.
Theology: M.A. (joint Philosophy), Ph.D.
Sacred Theology:ÌýS.T.B., S.T.L., S.T.D.
Theology and Education:ÌýPh.D.
Theology and Ministry: M.Div., M.A., M.T.S., Th.M.
Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology: M.A., Ph.D.
Applied Statistics and Psychometrics: M.S.
Educational Leadership: M.Ed., C.A.E.S., Ed.D.
Counseling, Developmental and Educational Psychology: M.A., Ph.D.
Curriculum and Instruction: M.Ed., C.A.E.S., Ph.D.
Early Childhood Education: M.Ed.
Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation: M.Ed., Ph.D.
Elementary Education: M.Ed.
Higher Education: M.A., Ph.D.
Learning Engineering: M.A.
Secondary Education: M.Ed., M.A.T., M.S.T.
Special Education (Moderate Special Needs, Grades Pre-K–8 and Grades 5–12): M.Ed., C.A.E.S.
Special Education (Students with Severe Special Needs): M.Ed., C.A.E.S.
Law: J.D.
Law: LL.M.
Law: M.L.S in Cybersecurity, Risk, and Governance
Accounting: M.S.
Business Administration: M.B.A.
Finance: M.S., Ph.D.
Management and Organization: Ph.D.
Nursing: M.S., Ph.D.
Social Work: M.S.W, Ph.D.
Applied Economics: M.S.
Healthcare Administration: M.H.A.Ìý
Leadership: M.S.
Sports Administration: M.S.
*Ph.D. programs in accordance with departmental policy may grant Master's degrees.
AccountingÌý— CSOM
African and African Diaspora StudiesÌý— MCAS
American StudiesÌý— MCAS
Art, Art History, FilmÌý— MCAS
Asian American StudiesÌý— MCAS
Asian StudiesÌý— MCAS
BiologyÌý— MCAS
Boston College Experience for High School StudentsÌý— ADV
Business LawÌý— CSOM
Campus SchoolÌý—ÌýLynch
Capstone ProgramÌý— MCAS
Catholic Studies ProgramÌý— MCAS
ChemistryÌý— MCAS
Classical StudiesÌý— MCAS
College BoundÌý—Ìý Lynch
CommunicationÌý— MCAS
Comparative TheologyÌý— MCAS
Computer ScienceÌý— MCAS
Continuing EducationÌý— CSON
Cornerstone Program
Counseling, Developmental, and Educational PsychologyÌý—ÌýLynch
CrossroadsÌý— CSTM
Curriculum and Instruction PhD ProgramÌý—ÌýLynch
Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars Program—ÌýLynch
Earth & Environmental SciencesÌý— MCAS
East European StudiesÌý— MCAS
EconomicsÌý— MCAS
Educational Administration and Higher EducationÌý—ÌýLynch
EnglishÌý— MCAS
Environmental Studies ProgramÌý— MCAS
Faith, Peace & Justice ProgramÌý— MCAS
Film StudiesÌý— MCAS
FinanceÌý— CSOM
FrenchÌý— MCAS
German StudiesÌý— MCAS
Global Public HealthÌýand the Common GoodÌý— CSON
Higher EducationÌý—ÌýLynch
Hispanic StudiesÌý— MCAS
HistoryÌý— MCAS
Honors Program — MCAS
Information SystemsÌý— CSOM
International Studies ProgramÌý— MCAS
Irish StudiesÌý— MCAS
Islamic Civilization and SocietiesÌý— MCAS
ItalianÌý— MCAS
Jewish Studies ProgramÌý— MCAS
Latin American Studies ProgramÌý— MCAS
Lynch Leadership AcademyÌý- CSOM &ÌýLynch
Management and OrganizationÌý— CSOM
MarketingÌý— CSOM
MathematicsÌý— MCAS
MBA ProgramÌý— CSOM
Medical HumanitiesÌý— MCAS
MS in Accounting ProgramÌý— CSOM
MS in Finance ProgramÌý— CSOM
MusicÌý— MCAS
Operations ManagementÌý— CSOM
Perspectives ProgramÌý— MCAS
PhilosophyÌý— MCAS
PhysicsÌý— MCAS
Political ScienceÌý— MCAS
Portico SeminarÌý— CSOM
Ìý(Health Professions Graduate Studies)
PsychologyÌý— MCAS
Romance Languages & LiteraturesÌý— MCAS
Slavic & Eastern Languages and LiteraturesÌý— MCAS
SociologyÌý— MCAS
Studio ArtÌý— MCAS
Summer SessionÌý— ADV
Teacher Education/Special Education, Curriculum & InstructionÌý—ÌýLynch
TheatreÌý— MCAS
Theology and MinistryÌý— CSTM
TheologyÌý— MCAS
Urban Catholic Teacher CorpsÌý—ÌýLynch
Urban Teaching Scholars Program, Donovan —ÌýLynch
Women's and Gender Studies ProgramÌý— MCAS