CFLC Peer Tutoring and OWL will begin on Thursday, January 23rd.
CFLC Peer Tutoring offers tutoring in over 280+ courses within the following subjects:
Computer Science
Earth and Environmental Studies
Academic Coaching:
Provides students with a 50-minute one-on-one academic coaching meeting, which entails working with a mentor to self-assess, reflect, and set goals to achieve academic success.Focus areas which the student can choose are: Goal Setting, Time Management and Organization Strategies, Self-Advocacy and Conflict Management, Reading/Writing/Notetaking Strategies, Study Skills, Meditation and Relaxation, Future Planning.
Tutoring Session Information For Tutees:
Each appointment is 50 minutes long.Appointments can only be booked up to a maximum of 6 days out in advance.No more than 3 appointments per subject within 7 days. If you book 2 appointments for the same subject on the same day, one of them will be deleted.Tutors cannot help with exams or homework to be submitted for a grade.Please respect tutors’ privacy and time. Do not contact them outside of their work hours. This is against Center policy.
Scheduling a Tutoring Appointment:
- Log into your Agora Portal and click the “Navigate Academic Support” link found under the “Academics and Courses” section.
- Once you are at the Navigate homepage, click the link titled “Schedule an Appointment with an Academic Support Office.” It's the blue box in the upper right corner.
- This will take you to a page with a drop-down menu.
- In this menu select “Connors Family Learning Center.”
- This opens up another drop-down menu, where you will need to select “course-based tutoring.”Click “next” to advance to a page with two more drop-down menus.
- In the top one select “Connors Family Learning Center” and in the bottom one, select the course in which you want to receive tutoring.
- After clicking “next” you will arrive on a page that allows you to choose a time and confirm the appointment.
This link will also take you to Navigate:
CFLC Peer Tutoring Calendar
- Thursday, January 23rd-First day of Peer Tutoring for the Spring Semester.
- Saturday, March 1, to Sunday, March 9th- Closed for Spring Break.
- Thursday, April 17th, toMonday, April 21st- Closed for EasterBreak.
- Thurday, May 1st - Last day of Peer Tutoring for the Spring Semester.
Note: CFLC Peer Tutoring is not offered on Saturdays.
- We offer services for all students, not just those who are experiencing academic challenges.
- Our tutoring services are not to be used as a substitute for going to class.
- We are here to support and encourage your academic success. We are not here to do your work for you.
- Tutoring sessions are not meant to re-teach material learned in class. Students should attend class regularly and come prepared to their tutoring session with specific questions.
- Our tutoring services are not drop-in appointments. Students must schedule their sessions ahead of time.
In addition, appointments are ONLY for the people who have signed up for them. - We are not a paper editing or proofreading service. Writing tutors are here to help strengthen writing skills and not to fix papers for grammar mistakes.
- Tutors are not meant to know everything. They are students, so please be patient with them as they are trying to help you.
The Connors Family Learning Center works hard to accomodate all students. Unfortunately, sometimes difficulties arise. Although it happens rarely, tutoring privileges for students who abuse the Center can be limited or revoked.
A student can have his/her tutoring privileges limited or revoked, at the discretion of the Assistant Director of Tutoring, if he/she:
- Misses three or more appointments, without calling to cancel ahead of time.
- Chronically cancels appointments right before he/she is scheduled to come in for tutoring.
- Has unrealistic expectations of tutors/tutoring.
- Does not adhere to the University's policy of academic integrity.
- Is abusive to members of the CFLC staff.
CFLC Calendar
The Connors Family Learning Center is located on the second floor of O’Neill Library (Room 200) on the library side of the building. If you walk down the stairs to the second floor, the Connors Family Learning Center is straight ahead of you.
The tutoring and office hours areon the main page of the CFLC website.
Appointments can be made by going to our tutoring page and clicking on the "Schedule a tutoring appointment through Navigate" or by clicking on the button "book a tutoring appointment", which is located in the top right corner on our website.
Appointments are 50 minutes long. They start promptly on the hour (or on the half hour in certain cases) and go until tutoring is finished or the 50 minutes is up.
Tutors have weekly schedules but students must make their appointments each week. This allows you the convenience of being able to change the time of your appointment and, in some cases, even the tutor. Appointments can be made six days in advance by clicking on the button "Book a Tutoring Appointment" located in the top right hand corner of the CFLC website or by going to the tutoring page and clicking on the button " Schedule tutoring through Navigate".
Appointments are limited to one appointment per subject per day. However, you may make more than one appointment in the same day if they are in different subjects i.e., one appointment in Biology in the morning and an appointment in Writing during the afternoon.
Yes, it is a very good idea to make your appointments as early as possible. Appointments fill up quickly, especially before exams. Planning ahead, and making the appointment six days in advance will give you a very good chance of getting the appointment you want.
Students can call the Connors Family Learning Center 617-552-0611 to cancel their appointments. Appointments should be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance of your appointment. The Center does not respond to cancellations via emails. Missing an appointment without calling to cancel, or canceling right before an appointment is about to begin, will show up on a student’s appointment record. If a student misses or cancels last minute more than 3 times, his or her ability to make future appointments at the Connors Family Learning Center will be limited.
If you are 20 minutes late for your virtual tutoring session it will expire. If you arrive before 20 minutes into the session you will receive the remianing amount of the time for your session.
Tutors are first and foremost students just like those they tutor. The times they are scheduled to work are the times they are available to tutor. Tutors are paid through the Center and are not paid for hours worked outside of the Center. A tutor’s last name and contact information will NEVER be given out to students. In rare cases where a tutor’s hours do not fit into your schedule, you should see your class’s professor, TA, or the department to see if they can help you. For more information, please contact Dr. Cecilie Reid Joyner the Associate Director of the CFLC at
The Connors Family Learning Center sends out automatically generated emails for every appointment that is made. The email is sent to your 㽶 email address and lists the date, time, and tutor of your appointment. This is an automatically generated email and students should not respond to it.
There may have been a problem with booking your appointment. Please come back or call the Connors Family Learning Center at 617-552-0611 and we will do our best to correct the problem for you.
Students should come to the tutoring session with a plan for what they want and or need to work on. Students should attend class regularly and should think of questions and attempt problems on their own ahead of time. Students should set realistic expectations for what can be accomplished in 50 minutes. Also, papers for writing appointments must be printed out ahead of time.
Yes. Please see theADHD/ Learning Disability Support section of our website.
The Connors Family Learning Center offers two types of ELL services which focus on different aspects of learning the English Language. Tutors are available for Conversation ELL which focuses on speaking and conversing in English or Writing ELL which is designed to help ELL students with their writing and grammar. Please specify which type of ELL you would like to work on when making appointments.
Tutors at the Connors Family Learning Center are undergraduate and graduate students in high academic standing and have been recommended to the CFLC by their professors.
CFLC tutors do not proofread papers. They make suggestions on ways you can improve your paper. One hour will not leave enough time for you to make the suggested revisions after the session. Please planahead and leave yourselfmore time to make the most of your session.
Please go to the Student Employment section of the CFLC webpage. It is located under the About tab.