Meeting Proceedings for IES 2023
Deadline extended to September 15!
Presenters are encouraged to submit a 4-6 page paper or an extended abstract for inclusion in the IES 2023 Proceedings.
After the Meeting:
We have created a where you can upload your papers as well. Zenodo uploads are assigned a DOI so your paper will be trackable and citable. You will need to sign up if you do not already have a Zenodo account already.
Please upload your contribution by September 15, 2023. The instructions below include the information needed for the "Conference" section (IES details) and "Contributors" section (Keith Groves as the proceedings Editor).
Prior to the Meeting:
Papers received prior to 1 May 2023, 5pm EDT were loaded onto a thumbdrive, distributed at the meeting, and were eligible for the Best Paper Award. Ìý
Papers should be submitted in pdf format with a maximum file size of 5Mb. General guidance on the style may be found here.
To submit your paper, please email them to
with "IES proceedings" in the subject line. In the body of the message, please include the first author name, the paper title, and science session. Be sure to include your name and IES as part of the filename. For example:
vernej_ies2023.pdf, lucasg1_IES.pdf, lucasg2_IES.pdf, kubricks_IES2023.pdf, ...
and don't forget to attach the pdf file.