In their second year, all Messina College students complete an internship or clinical rotation, earning credit and gaining valuable work experience in an area related to their interests and career goals.
Messina College is securing partnerships to provide its students with internships at top Boston-area companies and organizations. Each internship will require:
Messina College students will complete the Internship Seminar course alongside their internships. Through reflection, class discussions, and assignments, students will connect their internship experience to their academic and professional goals and be empowered to explore the ways in which their vocational discernment and internship experiences influence their understanding of themselves and contribute to their sense of purpose and meaning in life.
As part of the Internship Seminar course assignments and discussions, students will develop the following core career readiness competencies.ÌýAdditional skills and competencies will vary based on the specific requirements of each internship role.
Proactively developing oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships within and without one’s organization.
Knowing that work environments differ greatly, understanding and demonstrating effective work habits, and acting in the interest of the larger community and workplace.
Clearly and effectively exchanging information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization both in writing and orally.