Stokes Hall 423N
Telephone: 617-552-8279
Email: ligita.ryliskyte@bc.edu
God, Self, and Society
Engaging Catholicism
Pastoral Care as Theological & Transformative Practice
Methods in Theology: Mediating between Culture and the Gospel
Christology, Soteriology, Theological Method, Bernard J. F.Lonergan, Theology of History, Biblical Theology
Dr. Ligita Ryliškytė, SJE, Assistant Professor in Systematic Theology, is a native of Lithuania and a member of an Ignatian community, the Sisters of the Eucharistic Jesus. Her research primarily focuses on the contemporary questions in Christology and soteriology, and on the theological method.
Why the Cross? Divine Friendship and the Power of Justice. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023. ISBN 9781009202787
“Theological Method on the Edge: Interdisciplinarity and Communications,” in A New Exodus? Method and Theology Today, co-edited by Ligita Ryliškytė and Jeremy Wilkins (in progress);
“Critical Realism: Tearing Down the Impenetrable Wall,” in Critical Realism and the Christian Scriptures: Foundations and Applications, edited by Joseph K. Gordon (forthcoming);
“The New Creation in Christ as the Foundation of an Integral Ecology.” In The Foundations of Integral Ecology, edited by Paolo Conversi and Jacquineau Azitop SJ, 521–542. Rome: Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2022. EAN: 9788878394797. ISBN: 8878394793.
“The Promise of the Pandemic and the (Becoming) Totus Christus.” Theological Studies 82, no. 3 (2021): 464–486, .
“Conversion: Falling into Friendship Like No Other.” Theological Studies 81, no. 2 (2020): 370–393, https://doi.org/10.1177/0040563920931757.
“God’s Mercy: The Key Thematic Undercurrent of Paul’s Letter to the Romans.” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 81, no. 1 (2019): 85–105, ;
“Intellectual and Ethical Development as a Means for Evangelization: The Role of Women Religious.” Asian Horizons 12, no. 1 (2018): 79–92;
“Non-Communio Trinitarian Ecclesiology: Furthering Neil Ormerod’s Account.” Irish Theological Quarterly 83, no. 2 (2018): 107–27, ;
“Metaphor and Analogy in Theology: A Choice between Lions and Witches, and Wardrobes?” Theological Studies 78, no. 3 (2017): 696–717, ;
“Post-Gulag Christology: Contextual Considerations from a Lithuanian Perspective.” Theological Studies 76, no. 3 (2015): 468–484, ;
“The Women of the Gulags and Nelson’s Paradigms of Evil: Becoming a Sign of Hope against All Hope.” in And God will Wipe away all Tears from their Eyes. A Theological Approach to the Suffering and Hopes of Women, edited by Jadranka Rebeka Anić, Ana Thea Filipović, Katica Knezović, Lynette Šikić-Mićanović, 101–116. Zagreb: Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, 2013. ISBN: 978-953-6666-98-0;
“Dialogue with the Radically Other: Models of Discernment in the Old Testament.” Review for Religious 71, no. 1 (2012): 86–99;
“Spiritual Freedom as Liberation within: Lessons from the Gulag Era.” The Way 50, no. 2 (2011): 37–49.