Stokes Hall 437N
Telephone: 617-552-4604
Email: margaret.schatkin@bc.edu
Critical edition of works of Chrysostom; patristic bibliography; patristic theology.
Tu 1-3 p.m., or by appointment
āDiakonia and the Christology of St. John Chrysostom," in ĪĪ¹Ī±ĪŗĪæĪ½ĪÆĪ±, diaconiae, diaconato: semantica e storia nei Padri della Chiesa. XXXVIII Incontro di studiosi dellā antichitĆ cristiana. Roma, 7-9 maggio 2009. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 117. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2010, pp. 295-305.
āThe Perpetual Virginity of Mary and New Testament Textual Criticism,ā in De Maria Numquam Satis: The Significance of the Catholic Doctrines on the Blessed Virgin Mary for All People. Judith Marie Gentle, PhD, and Robert L. Fastiggi, PhD, eds. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2009, pp. 37-67.
āJohn Chrysostom: Adversus oppugnatores vitae monasticae: Marriage in Light of Greek Political Philosophy, Roman Law, and the Agonistic Exegesis of Scripture," in Il matrimonio dei cristiani: esegesi biblica e diritto romano. XXXVII Incontro di studiosi dellā antichitĆ cristiana. Roma, 8-10 maggio 2008. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 114. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2009, pp. 373-83.