William B. Evans, Chief of Police
Appointed Executive Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police in August of 2018, Chief Evans has overall responsiblity for managing the delivery of police services and ensuring the safety of the Boston College campus community.
Chief Evans joined the Boston College Police Department after serving the Boston Police Department for 38 years, rising through the ranks from Police Cadet to Police Commisioner.Chief Evans holds a Bachelor of Science in Government from Suffolk University, a Masters in Cybersecurity from Boston College, and a Masters in Criminal Justice from Anna Maria College.
He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, FBI National Executive Institute, the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police, and the Center for Homeland Defense and Security Naval Postgraduate School. Chief Evans has also completed the Senior Executives in State and Local Government as well as the General and Flag Officer Homeland Security Executive Seminar at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Additionally, he has attended the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative and the Meta Leadership Executive Sessions, a collaboration of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and Harvard School of Public Health.

Kevin Buckley, Deputy Chief of Police
Appointed Deputy Chief of Police in 2019, Deputy Buckley serves as the second in command of the Boston College Police Department with direct responsibility and oversight of all Bureau Commanders.

Peter Keating, Captain
Appointed Captain in 2014, Captain Keating oversees the Bureau of Administrative and Technical Services. This Bureau is responsible for the oversight of the 㽶 Police Intregated Security Systems

Laurene Spiess, Lieutenant
Appointed Lieutenant in 2014, Lt. Spiess, oversees the Professional and Training Standards, Training Devlopment, Grant Writing, Recruitment, Major Events Planning and serves as theAccreditation Manager for the Boston College Police Department.

AppointedLieutenant in 2024, Lt.Connollyoversees the Bureau of Operations and Patrol Services. This Bureau encompasses the Communication, Security, Community Engagement and Patrol Divisions of the Department.

The Boston College Police Department's Patrol Division consists of 41 uniformed police officers and are the most publicly visible representatives of our department. 㽶 Police Officers perform a variety of functions aimed at building and sustaining a safe learning environment for the Boston College community.
Police Officers patrol the campus by car, motorcycle, bicycle, and on foot. As the primary responsibility of this division, Boston College police officers are on patrol of the campus 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to prevent crime, preserve the peace, and to protect life and property by enforcing Massachusetts state laws, and the Boston College Rules and Regulations.
The Uniformed Patrol Division is divided into three primary shifts; each shift is supervised by two Sergeants.
The Boston College Police Department's Security Division consists of Gate Attendants, Museum and Library Security Officers, Campus Security Officers (CSO), Safety Escort Van Drivers and contract security officers.
The responsibilities of the Security Division include a friendly presence at main gates to the campus, as well as the staffing of several posts such as residence halls, libraries and other buildings on campus. They are also responsible for the assistance of those wishing to park on campus, the deterrence of theft and damage to university and personal property, as well as the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus.
The security officers' contribution to the success of public safety efforts on the campus is without a doubt a very important link in maintaining the existence of a safe, orderly and tranquil environment that will assure all those affiliated with the university the opportunity of achieving their mission.

The Boston College Police Communications Division is the vital link between police and security officers, citizens, emergency medical services, fire department, public safety responders, and state/national law enforcement agencies.
Often, police dispatchers are the first line of communications between the community and the responding personnel. Trained and qualified dispatchers provide information to police officers and the community that is essential to campus safety.
Police Dispatcher's utilize an automated Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system to track events, officers’ responses and status. This division also utilizes LEAPS (Law Enforcement Agencies Processing System), CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Systems) and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (NLETS). CJIS and NLETS link together local, state, federal, and international law enforcement agencies for the purpose of information exchange.
Police Dispatcher's assigned to this division are the primary point of contact for emergency and non-emergency requests for police services. Dispatchers are trained to determine the type of response that is needed.
Emergencies:If you call from an “on-campus” land-line telephone, dial2-4444. If you are calling from an “off-campus” or cell phone, dial617-552-4444or9-1-1and provide them with your exact location.
Non-emergencies:(617) 552-4440

David Flaherty, Lieutenant Detective
Appointed Lieutenant Detective in 2015, Det. Lt. Flaherty oversees the Bureau of Investigative Services.
The Boston College Police Department's Bureau of Investigative Services is responsible for the follow-up investigation of most criminal offenses that are reported to 㽶 Police.
There are currently five Detectives assigned to the Investigations Bureau. Detectives must have several years of patrol experience and demonstrate investigative and problem solving skills before they are assigned to the position. Once assigned to the unit, a Detective will receive many additional hours of training that are unique and specialized for their field. These areas include: interview and interrogations, crime scene processing, latent fingerprint developing, advanced photography, search and seizure, sexual assault investigation, drug related crime investigation, computer forensic investigation, and many other courses.Detectives also work closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. 㽶 Police depends on the assistance of these agencies to conduct investigations beyond the confines of the campus. These agencies also look to our department to provide needed equipment, knowledge, and resources that they may need to conduct their own investigations.

Karen Vandross,Associate Director, Finance & Administration
Oversees the Bureau of Business Services, which consists of three civilian staff and numerous student interns which are responsible for budget, billing,and records management.