Nancy Pineda-Madrid

Associate Professor of Theology and Latino/Latina Ministry

Theology Department


Dr. Nancy Pineda-Madrid is Vice President of the International Network of Societies of Catholic Theology (INSeCT) and Past President of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). She is among the first U.S. Latinas to hold a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology. She is the first theologian to publish a book on the evil of feminicide arguing that this tragedy demands a fresh consideration of what salvation means. Her book,ÌýSuffering and Salvation in Ciudad Juárez, (Fortress Press, 2011) has become required reading in classrooms across the country. She has since co-editedÌýHope: Promise, Possibility and Fulfillment, (Paulist Press, 2013), andÌýWith the Holy Spirit: Responding to the Giver of Life, (Paulist Press, forthcoming 2017). America MagazineÌýhas named Pineda-Madrid as one of seven most promising theologians of the next generation, and in 2012, she received the Loretto Legacy Award for Religion and Theology.

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